- Call for papers (Contributed poster presentation only)
- Submissions are solicited for the OLC Satellite Work Shop (SWS) 2022, an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers and engineers in the fields of optics in liquid crystal science and technology. Authors are required to submit their paper through our system from the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION page.
- The submission site for poster presentation has been closed on August 15, 2022. The submission site will close when the number of submissions reaches the scheduled limit.
- Presentation
- The conference language will be English.
- Oral Presentations (Invited only)
- List of invited talks will open on June 25.
- The presentation time, including questions, will be as follows:
- Keynote: 25+5 minutes
- Invited: 15+5 minutes
- Poster Presentations
- The poster session will be held on Monday and Tuesday evening.
- Abstract Submission Guidelines
- There is a limit may be one or two. The presenting author must attend the conference and be available to present the invited talk and/or the poster. The presentation(s) without payment of the registration fee will be automatically canceled.
- To submit multiple papers, please submit each paper separately via the online submission system.
- Abstract Preparation
- Abstracts should describe original and significant new material and work. Abstracts should contain enough details to allow the referees a sound assessment of the scientific merit.
- Presenter is asked to submit a one-page abstract written in English. Please prepare the abstract using the MS-WORD template, convert it into a PDF file, and upload it at ABSTRACT SUBMISSION page.
- Abstract Template
Click Icon to download the OLC SWS2022 style templates.
- Abstract format
- The abstract should contain the title, author name(s), affiliation(s), text, and references (optional). The title, author name(s), and affiliation(s) must be exactly the same as those submitted via the submission system. The abstract should be less than one page (A4). You may include figures in the abstract. Color figures and photos are acceptable. Please note that the size of the abstract file must be less than 10MB. There is no fixed style for the references.
- The digital abstract booklet will be available before the conference, which will be notified on the main page of this conference. The copyright of the abstract paper for the abstract booklet, including electronic media and Web publications, belongs to the OLC SWS2022. The abstract booklet in electronic form will be deposited at National Diet Library Japan after the conference and will open at the OLC SWS2022 Web-site.